So it now all makes sense 3D will soon be one happy family, or 3 brothers that fight all the time while their father AutoCAD tells them that when he was their age there were only lines and not solids and they only had 2 dimensions
I think Newtek may be a bit upset because the article mentions that Softimage was the last major independent package out there. All the products have always had their followers, strengths, weaknesses, and vertical markets.
Rumor has it that Autodesk is also looking at Houdini and Blender. But Blender is shareware and they are not sure how to buy it. Blender may become that cousin on the Brady Bunch that is brought in to show how cute the show is after the rest of the kids grow up. And so few people use Houdini and its so expensive that Autodesk plans to repackage their regular MayaMaxSoft with an install code that makes the program randomly disappear from your computer.
Long Live MayaMaxSoft
Softimage Press Release
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